Pablo Picasso, the artist and player

Pablo Picasso, artist and hard-core player… we can see the hard-core player shine through the shrewish writer’s blinding hate in The entwined lives of Françoise Gilot and Pablo Picasso. “Over the previous three years, Gilot and Picasso—who were 21 and 61, respectively, when they met—had a drawn-out courtship and then spent a short period living together in Picasso’s Paris studio. The relationship hadn’t been entirely smooth, but it had been magnetic and intimate.” Damn, that guy was still tapping prime in his 60s. The artistic form of seduction gets too little play among Red Pill guys… it needs to be better foregrounded.

Picasso knows women better than any writing player I know of, “After reprimanding and trying to comfort her, he offered up his grand solution for Gilot’s problems: She should have a baby.” “You won’t know what it means to be a woman until you have a child.”

“By the time she met Picasso, Gilot had determined that she was going to be an artist.” One of the best ways for an attractive woman to get help is by f**king the artist. This route isn’t available to guys… we have to get by on our merits, not our p***ies. Now, second-rate women painters are getting their works put on in art museums because they f**ked first-rate male painters. Women can f**k their way to fame… I sound like I’m knocking it, but I’m not… if I could, I might. That option is foreclosed to me due to gender. Men and women are different.

Guys also know that a chick who is “artistic” in some way is really communicating that she likes to f**k… being “artistic” is like having tattoos… it says, “My parents divorced…” or “seduce me…” or “I am a s**t.” As is usual among women, Gilot doesn’t take responsibility for her romantic choices. She knew Picasso was a player… she got involved with him anyway… she later regretted it… then the regret became her reality. To women, the only reality is the one she feels right now. Women are fundamentally irresponsible, and as men we should know that. But we should also believe women who are trying to tell us they are irresponsible and not capable of consistency in their romantic affairs. Picasso’s personality is 100% clear from the beginning, but Gilot likes him because he’s famous and interesting. She was beautiful and could have had any stolid provider guy she wanted… but she chose to sail into the tempest. Beautiful women have all the choice in the world.

The tragedy of women is that their peak value hits in the mid to late teens, peaks in the mid 20s, and begins to decline by age 30. For some women value may remain pretty high but really begins to crater by age 40. The high value window is so brief. Many guys, if they work hard, can achieve peak value from the mid 20s all the way into the 50s. For women… that peak is far earlier. By age 40, a woman without a family is like a horse without legs: a tragedy. The other tragedy is that fewer women today see this fact coming. Instead, many women spend their days cramming their faces with sugars and wheat, staring into their phones like their phones will product a happy life (they will not), and complaining bitterly about where all the good men are.

Author: The Red Quest

How can we live and be in society?

8 thoughts on “Pablo Picasso, the artist and player”

  1. Oh man.. and just to reinforce your point Picasso was largely broke during his lifetime. Goldmund comes to mind as a current player who plays up his artistic side. It’s not my strength, but I do try and incorporate it a little, if only by having a lot of interesting framed art in my apartment. Anything you can do to distinguish yourself from the average corporate drone. Women love love love driven artistic narcissistic geniuses. Not a reasonable goal for most of us, but like all things shows what is possible. Picasso, god bless him. pretty much hit the trifecta of male unattractiveness traits. Short, fat, bald. On the other hand although he wasn’t wealthy, he was famous during his lifetime and I think that, especially in today’s world, takes precedence over any other variable.


    1. >>Goldmund comes to mind as a current player who plays up his artistic side

      Can’t tell if he’s an artist or just makes noises and strikes a pose as being an “artist.” Lack of output is an important sign… he also seems to spend a lot of time marketing himself for a guy who claims to be an artist. I don’t know him personally and haven’t seen his work though.

      I like the idea that there’s more than one route to the top of the game. It’s good for guys to think about how to work with their personalities, not against their personalities.


      1. Goldmund rarely posts photos of artistic “work”

        To my knowledge his ouvre consists primarily of low quality, out-of-focus photos of girls he is gaming as they hold up written answers to his “provocative” questions

        No doubt he gets a fair amount of tail this way

        Unfortunately larping as an artist does not make you one

        Even if thots can’t tell the difference



      1. Goldmund rarely posts photos of artistic “work”

        To my knowledge his ouvre consists primarily of low quality, out-of-focus photos of girls he is gaming as they hold up written answers to his “provocative” questions

        No doubt he gets a fair amount of tail this way

        Unfortunately larping as an artist does not make you one

        Even if thots can’t tell the difference



  2. > “For women… that peak is far earlier. By age 40, a woman without a family is like a horse without legs: a tragedy. The other tragedy is that fewer women today see this fact coming.”

    I’ve written a lot about this as it’s pretty basic red pill fodder–but that doesn’t mean it isn’t true. And there’s a whole generation of women being raised to think that they can fuck their way through their 20’s and 30’s without consequence, or worse, as if it’s some sort of accomplishment.

    It’s not.

    If you’ve ever listened to any of these fucktard female podcasts where the two chicks hosting are just huge sluts (I happen to have seduced and fucked a girl doing precisely this), it’s like listening to kids bragging about beating a video game after entering a cheat code that gives them unlimited life and ammo. You banged 40 guys in two years? Wow. It must have been a real struggle to turn up at the bar showing cleavage and getting drunk for free that many times.

    But let me get at the real point of this: real artists struggle. You don’t make good art by fucking your way there. You can get some good ideas, and maybe a leg up in terms of meeting the right kind of people, but in the long run, really good art means struggling: whether with addiction, depression, poverty, etc.

    This is honestly why women don’t usually accomplish much in terms of innovation unless they happen to already have a big brand (Oprah) or tap in to something other women struggle with (spanx or alcohol that’s low in calories). Because most women DON’T struggle beyond taking care of their basic needs. I’m not saying chicks aren’t poor or that everything is wonderful, but the first thing most young, semi-attractive women will do if poor is try to find a man who can provide for them.

    As you point out RQ, this isn’t a path available to men. Women don’t provide for men. It’s not in their nature, or ours, even if they could or wanted to. Thus, a man who is low has only two options: continue in mediocrity, or grow, learn, and create. This is what makes for great art. And why women, for the most part, aren’t capable of it.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. “For women… that peak is far earlier. By age 40, a woman without a family is like a horse without legs: a tragedy. The other tragedy is that fewer women today see this fact coming.”

    Lol. Well said. There are a few solid truths that you point out a lot in this blog, which changed my perspective and cleared my mind about certain things. The above is one.

    I have 3 girl cousins that grew pretty close to me. They always had way bigger SMV than me, during the teens and the 20s. And now it’ss shocking how they’re cratering. Wrinkles and some fat where there shouldn’t be. At 34-33.

    The older one got a solid man and had 2 kids. Probably was the smartest one.

    The middle one who was always so hot is really showing the age at 33. She could easily get to 40 hot and fuc**able, but the decline is there and it’s real and she can’t attain a hot high-status man anymore. She squandered some relationships with solid guys who nowadays would never make her their gf. Now she’s a dog mom and keeps posting women hamstering on IG that nobody cares. I don’t know her plan, to be honest.

    And I’ve never had so many looks in the gym as these days at 32.


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