Date-onomics: players should go where the gender ratio is good

I keep mentioning Date-onomics: How Dating Became a Lopsided Numbers Game in private, and I finally mentioned it in a post, but didn’t elaborate, so: small changes in male-female ratios have pronounced effects in sex culture. If there are lots more guys than chicks, like engineering schools or military bases, there’s a lot of monogamy, long courtships, longer waits for sex, and more transfer of financial resources from men to chicks. If there are lots more chicks than guys, like liberal arts colleges and New York City, there are more hookups, less monogamy, shorter courtships, and more casual sex. In American cities, there are profound differences in male-female ratios… in most cities, there are more single college-educated females than single college-educated males. San Francisco and Seattle are exceptions: those cities have more dudes than chicks, so men should avoid them. New York and L.A. have among the most skewed ratios, in favor of men, in the country: both have far more chicks than dudes. Men should get out of SF and Seattle if that can be done… and choose similar jobs in NYC or LA.

If you are a guy, you want to go where the chicks are and the dudes aren’t. I have said before that there are really three levels of game: 1. Your interpersonal game itself, 2. Your underlying value and 3. Your environment. Ideally, a guy seeks to improve all three. If you have strong game and value, but a terrible environment, the game may still be very hard for you, because you are competing heavily against all other men. If the opposite is true, you may still succeed despite yourself… think of p***y guys at art schools.

Date-onomics explains why so much of the online advice guys give each other is useless… we don’t know how cool a guy is, what his life is like, what he looks like, how he acts around other people, or where he lives. Guys who live in cities will do better than guys who live in rural areas (a lot more men than women) or suburbs. Many players talk about Mark Manson and The Book of Pook, but Date-onomics should be on the player’s reading list, despite its extremely Blue Pill framing.

The author says “I realize most people do not want to think about supply and demand when contemplating matters of the heart.” Players sure as f**k should. If you are a player or just a guy who gives a shit about your sex life, don’t take the job in San Francisco. Take it in L.A., NYC… or almost anywhere else. If you are a guy debating whether you should go to college, the author writes “By 1992, the female-to-male ratio among freshly minted graduates reached 54:46. At first glance, 54:46 may not sound like much of a gap, but it meant 17 percent more women than men graduating from college.” “By 2012, the college gender gap has doubled to 34 percent more women than men.” College is where the chicks are, so there can be good reasons to go there. Also remember these numbers when you hear claims about chicks being “oppressed.” They’re not.

The book uses college education as a proxy… if you’re a guy who looks, acts, earns, and behaves like you’re college educated, whether you actually are or not is probably irrelevant. If you’re a guy who behaves like an idiot and you don’t have good game, then you are probably not going to get chicks whether you went to college or not.

Admirably, the author is willing to use words most mainstream authors will not “A surplus of women in cities may be a geographic manifestation of the general phenomenon of hypergyny, that is, women’s marrying up.” I think the correct term is “hypergamy,” but whatever, that’s something almost no one admits in the mainstream (except Jordan B. Peterson, whatever you may think of his other ideas).

New York has downsides (expensive)… but that’s where the chicks are. Birger has tables from the Census showing the male-female ratio in different cities. Chicago has 40% more college educated chicks 22-29 and 20% more college educated chicks age 30 – 39. Same in New Orleans. Same in Vegas, although I don’t like Vegas as much because of the lack of foot traffic on streets; it is a driving city with few daygame opportunities. Austin, Texas is not as favorable to guys, but Houston is. Nashville is favorable to guys. Philadelphia too.

The book has story after story about supposedly “gorgeous” women age 30 – 45 and their travails dating. I do not sympathize much with those women because they just waited until their sexual market value had begun to decline to value marriage. Much like this chick and numerous others you’ll read about in the media, all with the same whine about the same predictable problem: they sit on the shelf too long. The highest-level men don’t care that much about women’s careers; high-level men just want a woman who is economically functional. I myself like teachers and nurses, because they are economically functional without being married to their jobs. I’m not as thrilled by women in the corporate rat race who are sweating because they can’t fit a baby and their careers together. I, like many men, think those women are fine for casual sex but problematic for relationships… journalists write most of the angry screeds and they are economically precarious while having a lot of opinions, helping to explain why they struggle dating.

This book Date-onomics helps explain the spinster epidemic overtaking us all.

I’m getting off topic, but players need to know that where they live will affect how their dating life works. Ignore the delusional material about 36 or 38 year old women on the verge of infertility being attractive and focus on numbers. A bunch of guys writing about the game right now seem to be living in the Bay Area… maybe that’s why they’re writing about the game… the Bay Area is game on hard mode. Bully for them but I would prefer it on easy mode, and a guy in the Bay Area should be trying to move to LA or New York, if he can. Some guys aren’t going to be able to move for work or family reasons, fine, but their love life will be impacted.

Date-onomics is useful for guys who have a son. Girls do much better at school than boys because they typically mature faster. A 5 year old boy is about as mature as a 6 year old girl. Same with a 15 year old girl and a 16 year old boy. If you have a boy, try to get him to start school relatively late, compared to his peers. That will likely improve his school prospects. Most people don’t do this and that’s part of the reason there are way more girls in college than boys.

In summary, ignore the Blue Pill wrapping and please read the book for yourself, taking from it the important lessons about environment. I am guessing that far more urban, college-educated women read books than do rural, not-college-educated men, so the author has wisely decided to pander to his audience. Many guys report that the game feels way different in some cities than in others, and that has been my experience as well.

Author: The Red Quest

How can we live and be in society?

30 thoughts on “Date-onomics: players should go where the gender ratio is good”

  1. Great post. And I have to thank you for recommending this book to me back in February. As you know I live in SF and have done most of my game here, but I’ve also traveled and gamed around the world and can confirm the ratio here does make game on “hard mode.” I can confirm everything you posted above.

    The good news is that SF has made my game tighter than it would have been otherwise. But this book, along with my experiences in NY ( are why I’ll be moving to NY later this year (


  2. To visit your statement here:

    “I do not sympathize much with those women because they just waited until their sexual market value had begun to decline to value marriage.”

    I have talked to not a few women who stated that during their SMV peak years, “No one is thinking about marriage and family at that time.” I shook my head and at times would reply, since post 30’s some of them were, “Therein lies the problem.”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. A lot of those women can pull out of the dive, if they recognize what’s happening to them soon enough and make changes based on it.

      The ones who wait till they’re 35, when their expectations are higher and what they bring lower… it’s sad.

      Liked by 1 person

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